Innovative NEOGLIDE® Hush Brush Design

Quieter brush – noise reduction achieved through new innovative “Hush Brush” design. The cloth buffer, in which the NEOGLIDE® material is sewn to, creates an artificial buffer by keeping the aluminum hub away from the vehicle.

The folding of the NEOGLIDE® material also creates the artificial buffer which is the key to eliminating any mirror flipping. The folding of the NEOGLIDE® sections also results in only the material getting pushed back when contacting any mirror on the vehicle and allowing the other sections of the brush to stay on the car and clean underneath the mirror.

The buffer also allows for the top section of the brush fingers to make contact with the vehicle, resulting in cleaner top sections with less disturbance and flipping to the mirror and antennas.

Improved cleaning – new design allows for better brush contact on vehicle resulting in superior cleaning. Because of the cushion created by the hush brush, there is much better finger contact with the vehicle.

The hush brush design is compatible with every manufacturer’s equipment utilizing a c-channel hub.

The NEOGLIDE® standard design has been a proven brush design for over 25 years. The strength and durability of the standard design have utilized and maximized the NEOGLIDE® material with the single, double, and triple-ply design. The standard design is compatible with every manufacturer’s equipment utilizing a c-channel hub.

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